photographed by Amberlee Christey Photography
In 2013, Morgantown magazine recognized women business owners across town with a fun photo feature. Many of those bosses are thriving 10 years and a crushing pandemic later, we’re happy to report—and many more women have hung shingles out, too. Women are gaining huge ground in running their own shows. Back in 2013, woman owners accounted for 29% of U.S. enterprises and, by 2019, the most recent data, they accounted for 42%. Why does it matter? Research shows that women have happier employees and draw on more diverse talent—making for a more vibrant and resilient economy.
Research also shows that women have few role models in business, making support networks crucial. So for this 10-year update, we partnered with the Morgantown Area Partnership. The Chamber of Commerce at MAP provides the Women’s Network, which fosters connections that help women succeed.
Pictured in this story are the she-bosses behind everything from restaurants and retail to recreation and real estate. They provide services we all rely on and employment for 850 of our friends and neighbors. Many celebrate milestones this year. Our hats especially go off to Connie Merandi—her Coni and Franc marked 40 years last year. And in 2025, Linda Cerone’s Massullo’s Dry Cleaners and Tailors celebrates a landmark 100 years serving Morgantown.
In recognition of the unique value that women entrepreneurs bring to our economy, Morgantown Area Partnership is offering a $150 discount through October for a first-time membership for women business owners.
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