Do you think you know Morgantown? Put your knowledge to the test with the puzzles and quizzes in “How Morgantown Are You?” in the Summer issue of Morgantown magazine. Plus stories on beer and books, glassmaking and woodworking, and, for the house-curious, the latest neighborhoods review.
How Morgantown Are You?
Insider’s Guide to Morgantown’s Neighborhoods
Know This
People who say ‘they don’t make things like they used to’ should visit MBC Woodshop in Westover.
Look Forward To This
Chestnut Brew Works is moving across the river.
Read This
Law and history meet fiction in these Morgantown-penned books.
Who’s This
Denzil Lemley has worked at the Seneca Center for 61 years.
Love This
A new Chestnut Mountain Ranch initiative supports children and families statewide.
what’s This
The Deck is sprucing up the entrance to town.
Drink This
Wonder Bubble will make you smile.
House and HOme
This lakeside vacation home is a reminder never to judge a book by its cover.
The U
The new Reynolds Hall takes business and economics education to a new level.
Dining Guide
Find the best places to eat all around town.
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