Keep your eyes peeled for these distinctive bungalows during National Historic Preservation Month.
Have you seen the circa-1950 Lustron houses around town? Lustron was a short-lived post-World War II innovation in housing, and the style still has a certain retro charm. There are just a handful of them left in greater Morgantown—you can spot them if you pay attention. Some are still clad in their distinctive original square panels; others have been covered in conventional siding but might still be recognized by their two picture windows. Our story “Looking for Lustron” in the April / May 2012 issue of Morgantown magazine tells more about their history.
The Morgantown Lowdown is revisiting historic structures Morgantown magazine covered in past issues as part of Main Street Morgantown’s celebration of National Historic Preservation Month. Our built environment embodies our community’s unique history—enjoy it!
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