Morgantown residents are coming together to support local charities and community needs.
100+ People Who Care is exactly what it sounds like—people who care about their community coming together to give back. The group was started in 2019 by David Goldberg, a figurehead in Morgantown and West Virginia health care. “Morgantown is such a giving community,” he says. “You have people gathering on their own dime to support the community on top of all that they’re already doing—that’s awesome.”
Meetings take place quarterly, with fellowship and the democratic process on the agenda. Attendees aged 40 or younger are asked to donate at least $50, with those older donating $100. By the end of the evening, a charity is chosen by vote to receive 100% of what’s collected. People Who Care’s first donation was made in July 2019 to the Morgantown Area Meals on Wheels, and the group has been at it ever since, raising over $80,000 for local causes so far. “We want to get to the charities that are smaller, more off-the-radar. The scale of impact on a small group is much different,” Goldberg says. “I think the total speaks volumes about how passionate these people are.”
If you’d like to become one of the 100+ people who care, call 304.598.1206 for more information.
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