There’s something about buying fresh fruits, vegetables, and meats at the Morgantown Farmers Market that feels traditional, communal. Saturday mornings from May into November, 35 to 40 vendors sell produce, meats, cheeses, jams, breads, and other locally produced foods under the Spruce Street pavilion, with a smaller number showing up Tuesday afternoons at the former Shop’n Save in Westover. At the winter markets in the gymnasium of the Wesley United Methodist Church, singers or belly dancers often perform.
The market meets the demand not only for healthy food, but for the “locavore” movement gaining traction across the country: All of the produce is grown within a 50-mile radius. This eliminates the cost and pollution of long-distance shipping while keeping money circulating locally.
The farmers’ market has its own chef during summer months. Tastings are often prepared using ingredients available from participating vendors, making it easy to experiment with the dishes on your own.
And keep your eyes open: Scattered throughout the market, shoppers can find interesting non-food items like handwoven winter wear, potted annuals, herb and spice mixes, bird feeders, and more. — KP
304.291.7201, @morgantownfarmersmarket on Facebook
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