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Walk a Mile With Survivors

And celebrate 50 years of the RDVIC. 

Every year, the Rape and Domestic Violence Information Center marks April, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, with a Walking With Survivors fundraiser. This year, celebrate RDVIC’s 50 years of good work by joining the April 1 walk through downtown Morgantown. 

Your participation in the walk 

The mile-long walk steps off from the Morgantown Market Place pavilion at 400 Spruce Street at 3:30 and will be followed by an outdoor reception with refreshments, music, a raffle and silent auction, prizes, and an award for the biggest team. Registration is $21.40—register by March 15 to be guaranteed a Walking With Survivors T-shirt.

The RDVIC was the first rape crisis center and domestic violence program in West Virginia. This spring’s Walking with Survivors fundraiser is just one of the organization’s 50-year events. Watch the Facebook page for upcoming events in the Empowerment Brunch series at The Tea Shoppe—there’s one coming up on March 22—and stay tuned for a benefit gala in October. 


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