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Great Basketball Instruction Right Here in Morgantown

The Nate Smith Basketball School brings professional training to all.

Young people in Morgantown who want to play basketball well have a great resource in the Nate Smith Basketball School on Green Bag Road. For over 20 years, Nate Smith has provided professional basketball instruction to students of all ages, regardless of skill level and experience. 

Smith brings an impressive background to the task. After a stellar career at Morgantown High School, he went on to score almost 1,500 points during his four years at American University. Known for his 3-point shooting, Smith also participated in the national 3-Point Championship during the NCAA Final Four Tournament in 1998.

“Basketball has taught me lessons about teamwork, respect, hard work, determination, and diligence,” says Smith. “These qualities transcend far beyond the boundaries of the basketball court and into my everyday life. The Nate Smith Basketball School motivates its students to adopt these qualities on and off the court for success in basketball and beyond.”

We caught up with Smith to talk about his passion for basketball and his school.

You have been teaching basketball for over 20 years now. What keeps you motivated?

Nate Smith: I still have a great passion and love for the game of basketball. I’m motivated by the opportunity to share the values of hard work, dedication, and discipline with the students. It’s very rewarding to see students take the lessons from the youth level and carry those into high school and college. To see the students develop into young men and women of great character is why I do what I do. Basketball is the vehicle, but the lessons I teach transcend beyond the basketball court. 

What has been the key to your success?

NS: My commitment and consistency. I care about the students, and that comes across in my teachings. I don’t just tell them what to do and cheer them on—I teach, motivate, and correct their mistakes. They gain confidence by understanding how to correct their mistakes. My program has never been about me or my career, it is solely about the students. The program is organized, on time, and gives students of all skill levels an opportunity to achieve their goals in a safe and fun environment. 

Tell us about your individual and small group training sessions?

NS: The individual sessions are the most popular because I can focus specifically on the individual strengths and weaknesses within the team concept. I can assess the student and get their feedback as well as show them many techniques to work on at home. The small groups give the students an opportunity to apply the skills they have learned. They are very popular and are the logical progression after individual sessions. 

Do you offer instruction all year ’round?

NS: In addition to offering summer camps, fall league, and the Heat program, I do individual and small group sessions year ’round.

Any new programs coming in the future?

NS: I sometimes add programs based on student and parent demand. I am always adapting and getting feedback from students and parents to add new programs. I sometimes offer camps over the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays when the kids are out of school. 

Players can register for individual instruction at the Nate Smith Basketball School any time. The school is taking registrations now for Fall Fun League for boys and girls in third through sixth grades. Follow the school on Facebook to stay up-to-date on special programs. 

This story has been updated to correct the number of points Smith scored at American University.


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